Beautiful Boy Project
Date : March 10th at the Judson Church
Title : Beautiful Boy
Inspired by my son, Noa who is / was hoping to become a superhero.
Set and Props, Video, Choreographer, Costume and Performance by Megumi Eda
Support by Nathan Buck
Music : Antonio Vivaldi / L’estro armonico (concerto no,1)
Tokyo / Monaural Voice Inside The Castle Wall
Bjork / Setma Songs
Video Images : Movie, Ultraman /Volume Two and Noa Buck
Length : 13min
Objective : To create a nostalgic feeling of a little boy’s dream to become a Superhero one day…
Thank you to Nathan Buck, Noa Buck, Mona Buck, Midori Kondo, Mamoru Kondo, Jan and Bill Buck, Karole Armitage, Ryutaro Mishima, and the National Academy of Art in NY for helping to make this performance happen.