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Nathan Buck

Message from my husband: thank you husband!

Just over 17 years ago I was asked by a mutual friend to help a Japanese dancer move into an apartment that was just around the block from me in London. I first saw her wedged, uncomfortably, between two people in the front seat of a U Haul lorry and, the whole morning, as I was hauling box after box up the steps to the apt. we hardly spoke a word to each other. At the end of the day she thanked me and handed me a glass of water. And that was that. As I walked home that day, how could I have possibly known that this little act of goodwill on my part would be repaid exponentially and that the glass of water was the first of many gifts from this gorgeous woman. These gifts would include: a passionate, romantic love affair, a Buddhist wedding in Nagano, Japan, a new life in NYC, a series of films about dance, 2 beautiful children, a couple million giggles and laughs, another new life in Berlin, the will to make my first feature film and a best friend for life. Happy Birthday, Megumi, I love you!

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